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Story Prompts for Writers Block - Horror

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Hi there! We hope you enjoy these five horror story prompts just in time for Halloween, happy writing!

  1. Voodoo dolls aren't real, but then why do all these random scars keep showing up?

  2. A dog goes missing, a year later he comes back but something is off about him.

  3. A girl goes missing at the age of 10. A year later her parents get a call from that same daughter, they listen in horror as they relive the night that they murdered her, how is this possible?

  4. A man is buriwed alive and wakes up to a fresh new coffin next to him that appears to have another living person inside of it.

  5. Ghosts disappeared long ago, along with the rest of the monsters, so why do you get the feeling that one is watching you this very second?

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4 commentaires

Charlotte Barnard
Charlotte Barnard
14 nov. 2020

This is really great and such chilling prompts! Thank you so much for the inspo!


Hermione Granger 101
Hermione Granger 101
04 nov. 2020

These are some great prompts, thanks for the ideas! I'll be sure to try out the other genres too when they are released.


Hi Isabella,

No you don't have to credit us if you don't want to however you can if you would like to.

Keep an eye out and sign up to the mailing list to know when more writing prompts for different genres are released.


Fantastic Fantasy Team


Isabella Crestani
Isabella Crestani
03 nov. 2020

These are great! I can't wait to use some of them - I'm an aspiring writer and I've been struggling to find/think of good prompts! Do we have to credit you if we use them?

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