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Merry Christmas!

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Merry Christmas Fantasy Lovers. My what a year it has been. I know that I sure am glad to see the end of it, but before we go on about all the bad stuff why don't we focus on some of the positives? For example:

- COVID-19 may've happened but we all got a lot more free time and we got to spend time with our loved ones

- Our pets certainly had a lot more company

- And to top it all it's Christmas! The season of giving.

So although 2020 may not have been the year we all thought it would be, it hasn't been all bad.

Now that it's Christmas the Fantastic Fasntasy Team are awating the announcement from the publisher and we came up with a few ideas for you and your loved ones to do over this jolly season.

  1. Make Hot Chocolate

Making hot chocolate is always fun especially with marshmallows and whipped cream. There's an awesome recipe linked here for you and your loved ones to try out. Enjoy!

2. Buy a gift for a special someone

At Christmas time it's always nice to give to others especially when that person is a near and dear friend or family member. These are some great gifts to check out if they love:

- Disney? Click here

- Marvel? Click here

- Anime? Click here

- Harry Potter? Click here

If these things don't apply to yourt special someone there's always places like:

3. Decorate your house

Decorating your house inside and outside is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. Especially when it comes to doing the tree and lights!

4. Bake ginger bread houses

Making ginger bread houses is always fun and it always involves eating cookie dough, which is a personal favourite of our team. Here is a link to an awesome recipe for ginger bread houses, have fun!

5. Look for Christmas lights

Is it a cold winter evening? Do you have a warm hot cocoa? Why not go for a car drive and visit all the wonderful houses that have decorated and who knows maybe your house will be looked at a lot. Here is a link to the best houses near you, you may need to enter your subrub in though. Have a jolly good time!

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