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10 fun things to do in isolation!

Updated: Jul 25, 2021

During these hard time, staying at home might have you a bit bored... So, here are a few ideas to keep you occupied in isolation:

1. Read/Write a book!

- If your reading - try out one of those books that have been sitting on your shelf collecting dust! It doesn't have to be a long novel or series - just something enjoyable! If you are writing, simply jot down story idea and you can then expand it into a short story or book! Try entering a writing competition if you want to win some prizes for your hard work!

2. Learn a new language!

- Duolingo is a free app which you can download on to your phone. It ensures you not only learn the language, but also maintain the vocabulary!

3. Have a movie marathon!

- Any movies you want, get cozy and snuggle in with snack and drinks! Harry Potter, Percy Jackson - whatever is calling to you!

4. Learn to garden, or create a small garden/vegetable patch!

- Gardening is a lot of fun and very therapeutic! As a bonus, you end up with some organic, homegrown produce!

5. Go on a virtual tour!

- There are thousands of virtual tours online due to COVID-19. Simply look one up and off you go, whether it be art, the Louvre, or a castle - your choice! Why travel when you can see the world from the comfort of your house... and away from potentially catching any sickness!

6. Do an online course!

- You choose whatever subject you like and get going, not only is this a great way to improve your skills but it also helps you to not get bored. A great app for this is Coursera while some courses do cost money a lot are free

7. Do a workout!

- Simply look up what kind of workout you want on youtube or another streaming app, get those tunes pumping and you're good to go!

8. Host a virtual drinks or party with your friends!

- Arrange a time with your friends or family to skype, houseparty or Google Meet, prepare yourself some snacks and drinks, and you're set! It's important to stay connected to the people close to you during isolation!

9. Learn to knit!

- Knitting needles are available from most $2 stores, and so is wool. Just look up a tutorial on youtube and get going! You could knit yourself a scarf, or your cat a little jumper! You could even knit things to give to Charities to help people once the pandemic is over!

10. Bake something!

- Grab some ingredients and some old family recipes and get cooking! Cook healthy meals, and bake some sweet snacks to treat yourself to every now and then! The possibilities are endless!

The Fantastic Fantasy Team hope that this list helps with defying boredom during isolation. Stay safe and well and never lose hope. This will all be over soon!

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Isabella Crestani
Isabella Crestani
Nov 04, 2020

I agree, 'Hermione Granger 101,' I've been so bored at home during lockdown! Can't wait until the restrictions ease up!!


Hermione Granger 101
Hermione Granger 101
Nov 04, 2020

These are some great ideas to do while we are all stuck at home due to COVID. Thanks for the ideas FF Team I'll be sure to try these out.

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