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Updated: Jul 25, 2021

Hey there Fantasy-Lovers,

The team at Fantastic Fantasy Series understand just how trying these times can be. With many activities and social events cancelled, it can get a bit boring.

However our team, much like most people, are trying to focus on the positive things! For our younger generation, online schooling has begun, which is a fun new way of educating students. If you are a student undergoing online schooling, use it to kill some time!

There are many other ways to defeat boredom - and it doesn't just include online schooling!

You could...

- Watch tv shows and movies via streaming networks like Netflix, Stan and Disney Plus

- Make the most of the many free exercise programs and podcasts now available on Youtube

- Skype, Facetime or call your friends and family! We understand that everybody's situations are different, some more difficult than others, so its really important to stay connected to the ones you love and care about! Support is the way to go if you are feeling down during everything that is happening with Covid-19

- Practise meditation and relaxation to help relieve any stress or anxiety you might be feeling. If you are struggling to get to sleep at night (this could be due to stress, worry, or other reasons) you could try listening to some calming music, meditating, or having a warm bath before going to bed.

- Try something new! Take up a new hobby! This might be baking, sewing, crafting, painting, drawing, dancing, singing, learning to play an instrument, and our personal favourites: reading and writing!

So, to help you defeat boredom, our team are putting together a list of our favourite tv shows, movies, book series and novels for you! Subscribe to this website and keep an eye on the Updates/Announcements tab for the post with all of our suggestions!

Until then, we hope everyone and their families are safe, and as happy as possible during these trying times. De-stress, relax and think happy thoughts - this will all be over soon enough! Think positive thoughts!

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please contact us (our email address is at the bottom of this page) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


The team at Fantastic Fantasy Series

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Hermione Granger 101
Hermione Granger 101
Nov 04, 2020

These are some great tips for keeping COVID safe whilst still having some fun. Hopefully it ends soon though.

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