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In Depth Book Review

Title: Diamond of Drury Lane

Author: Julia Golding

Blurb: Set in 1790's Covent Garden, this book whisks you back to a bygone era, and to embark on an adventure about one hidden treasure, two bare-knuckle boxers, three enemies, and four hundred and thirty-eight rioters. It is the tale of Cat Royal, an orphan, four foot four with long red hair and not a penny to call her own.

Genre: Historical fiction, mystery

Age range: 13+

Main characters and their strengths and weaknesses:

Cat Royal - Stubborn - Cat is a stubborn and strong-headed girl. She won’t give up on herself or her friends and is always trying to prove herself to everyone. She loves a good adventure and mystery and will never let people down if she can help it. Kind - Cat is kind at the most unexpected times. She often shows her kindness to the people she is closest with; no one else normally witnesses it. She does however, consider helping people a priority and is always trying to help people in whatever way she can. Curious - Cat is constantly curious about everything. It is one of the main things that gets her into trouble all the time. It can be both a good and bad thing for her. In some ways, it helps her uncover mysteries and save people, but at other times, it helps her get captured or misled to believe something that isn’t true.

Pedro Hawkins: Funny - Pedro is humorously funny. He loves a good joke and can be trusted to be the comic relief - sometimes. He will always have a good word to say about someone and is quick to judge when people don’t do as they should. Determined - Pedro is a determined individual, he honours his culture and race always and will always seek to protect those he cares about. He is often one of the people to push others forward and urge them to keep going.

Frank: Kind - Frank cares about all his friends as if they are family and would take a bullet for any of them. He loves helping others and constantly wants to be of aid to others who are in need of a helping hand. Daring - Frank has a need for adventure. He loves getting into trouble and causing a raucous to make things more interesting. He also puts his life on the line for others at many times and can always be counted on to do the dangerous work, even if he has to risk his own life for it. Mischievous - Frank is quite mischievous, from disguising himself as a chimney sweep to being the son of a duke, Frank loves to cause mischief around people and always loves being in the centre of attention. He is not vain but he loves people knowing about him and what he does.


This book series is an enrapturing series that will make you feel as though you live in Covent Garden with all the characters. Julia Golding spins her tale in a thrilling way where every page brings a new adventure. As the reader, we are plunged into the past where we witness things we would not otherwise witness nowadays. The imagery is spectacular and I constantly think back to the day when I first read this book and went on to read the other books in the series. There is no boring moment in these books and you will most likely find yourself laughing and crying at times throughout these books.

Highly recommended for people who love historical fiction books and page turning adventure tales of bravery and friendship as well as found-family and trying to belong in an ever-changing and close-minded society.

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