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TBR Lists and how to make one

Updated: Jul 17, 2022

Hey everyone! As you may or may not know, some people have TBR (to be read) lists. These lists consist of books they want to read. There are monthly TBR lists or yearly or even no time period/or any time period TBR lists. In this post, we will show you how to set up a monthly TBR list and share our own current list.

But first, what is a TBR list?

A TBR list is a list of books you want to read over a period of time. Some people are very strict about reading every book during the allotted time period but if you don’t stick to it it isn’t the end of the world.

First steps in setting up your monthly TBR list:

  • Decide on a genre

This isn’t necessary but if you want to only read one genre for a month choose a specific genre and then base your list around that for the entire month

  • Choose a section

This also isn’t necessary but if you want to decide n a section of books for instance non-fiction or YA you can choose any section and have all books from that section in your TBR list

  • Choose a time slot

For this example, we are using the time slot of one month but you can use a time slot of anything really from one week to one year

Acquiring book titles:

This isn’t always the easiest but I would recommend going to your regular bookstore or library and choosing your preferred section to choose books from. Start by choosing a book and reading the blurb. If it sounds interesting put it down on your list. If you aren’t sure, write it down but put a maybe next to it.

The next step is to decide on how many books you want to have on your list. If you have a shorter period of time I would recommend doing fewer books so you aren't so pressured, but this part is really up to your preferences.

Next, narrow down your book choices. Being in the real world, obviously, you only have a certain amount of money and if you want to you can borrow from the library but you may want to buy some books if you like annotating or if you want to keep them. Start by simply reading the first page of each book either in a bookstore or library and decide which ones sound the most interesting. Once you have these choices feel free to start ordering your TBR list so that you can read the books in the order you want to.

Your booklist is done! Have fun reading! And you can always change them or move them around if you want to.

Our booklist for this month:

This is our booklist for this month. We focused on the fantasy/YA section and genre of books and have come up with a list of eight books we want to read over the month of July. Happy TBRing!

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